School news
At Karabar High School we use two main tools for communicating with our school family. Brief details are below or see the Resources for Parents flyer for further information.
Karabar High School no longer produces a regular newsletter. For news and information about the school, please see the Karabar High School Facebook page. (You do not need a Facebook account to view posts from the school - simply click on the "not now" option when Facebook prompts you to sign in or create an account.)
Karabar High School uses Compass to communicate with parents and students. Compass is a web-based system, which allows you to access up-to-date and meaningful information about our school and your child via either a web browser or an app.
As a parent you can:
- Monitor your child's attendance and enter an explanation for absence or lateness
- View/receive important notices regarding the school and/or your child
- View your child's timetable and the school calendar
- Communicate with your child's teachers
- Access your child's assessment tasks
- View/download your child's academic reports
- Book parent-teacher conferences (for our biannual whole-school parent-teacher evenings held in Terms 1 and 3 - subject to COVID guidelines at the time)
Parents can log onto Compass at using login details provided to them by the school. If you have not been sent login details, please contact the school.
Students can log onto Compass at by clicking on the orange 'saml sign in' icon and then entering their DoE login credentials.