Karabar High School

Telephone02 6298 4333


Performing Arts Program

** Applications for placement in the
2026 Performing Arts Class are now open**

> Application and audition Process
> Application Form

Information for parents

  • Karabar High School maintains high academic standards, encourages students to participate in a range of opportunities and has a supportive discipline and welfare structure.
  • Students must wear appropriate full school uniform at all times. In addition performing arts students require appropriate rehearsal wear.
  • School hours are from 9.00am to 3.00pm.

Selection/audition process

  • The application form must be completed by the applicant and relevant other people.
  • The application form must be forwarded to the school by the closing date as specified by Karabar High School each year.
  • All items mentioned in the application form MUST be included with the application form.
  • Students will have the opportunity to audition in one or more areas of the performing arts as ranked on the application form.
  • Supporting documentation addressing the selection criteria provided in your application will be assessed by the school in addition to the skills demonstrated in the audition process.

Selection criteria

  • Proven involvement/experience and expertise in the performing arts.
  • A strong academic record.
  • A sound behaviour and attendance record.
  • An excellent attitude towards school.
  • Proven record of involvement in extra-curricular activities and willingness to continue this in high school.

For further information, please contact the Head Teacher of Creative and Performing Arts on 6298 4333.