Karabar High School

Telephone02 6298 4333



Wellbeing is a holistic approach to health. It doesn't just refer to the absence of physical disease or illness, but the mental health, resilience and feelings of happiness that an individual experiences in their day-to-day life.

Karabar High School supports the development of students who are resilient and empowered to seek advice and support from the adults and peers around them. We do this by fostering positive relationships and connections between the students and the adults in their lives, including teachers. Our aim is to have all students display a range of positive attributes and capabilities. This includes optimism, confidence, social skills, positive mood, self-belief that they can do things and positive self-identity.

Mental health, as defined by MindMatters, is a positive and productive state of mind that allows an individual to respond to the challenges of everyday life. When we have positive mental health we are more likely to enjoy relationships, benefit from opportunities and contribute productively to society. However, mental health can't be taken as a 'given'. We are all vulnerable to changes in mental health, whether relatively minor and temporary, or significant in duration and impact. Karabar High School aims to support students through any disruptions to their positive mental health through a variety of programs.

MindMatters refers to 'Resilience' as our capacity to bounce back from disruptive life events. This capacity is formed by a range of personal skills and social connections, many of which can be deliberately developed. Karabar High School's parent community and partner Public Schools promote our use of resilience through The Resilience Project.

There are numerous points of contact for students to access support within Karabar High School. Parents are also encouraged to contact the school if they wish to discuss the mental health or wellbeing of their child. The Year Advisor is your best point of contact. If the matter is urgent and the Year Advisor is unavailable, ask to speak to the Head Teacher Wellbeing or a Deputy Principal.

Head Teacher Wellbeing: Chloe Williams

Year 7 Advisor: Lauren Brahe

Year 8 Advisor: George Curan

Year 9 Advisor: Bianca Swanson

Year 10 Advisor: Jodie Winslade

Year 11 Advisor: Jake Gillies

Year 12 Advisor: Shannon Johnston

Anti-Racism Contact Officer (ARCO): Emma Warren

Deputy Principal (Years 7 and 10): Dale Cunningham

Deputy Principal (Years 8 and 12): Emma Campbell

Deputy Principal (Years 9 and 11): Lena Fennamore

School Psychologists: Claire Reavell and Collette Vine

Karabar High School proudly supports MindMatters, a mental health initiative for secondary schools that aims to improve the mental health and wellbeing of young people. Find out more at www.mindmatters.edu.au