After consultation with the school's P&C it was decided that Karabar High School should be a full uniform school. The school is committed to supporting this decision by ensuring that students are dressed in correct school and sport uniform as required.
Uniform gives students a sense of belonging and creates an identity for the school in the community - it reflects school pride and discipline. Wearing uniform also helps students prepare for the workplace - where expectations around appropriate or regulatory clothing and/or uniform may be in place.
NSW public school students are expected to 'comply with the school's uniform policy or dress code' as outlined in the NSW Department of Education Behaviour Code for Students.
If a student is out of uniform due to unforeseen circumstances, they are required to provide a note from home explaining why they are not in uniform and when this situation will be rectified. This note should be presented to the Administration Office.
Failure to wear uniform may result in the student not being allowed to represent the school or attend major functions or excursions. Persistent refusal to wear uniform will be discussed with parents/carers and further action then decided.
Sport uniform (Years 7-10)
On Stage Sport days, students are allowed to wear their sport uniform to school for the entire day.
If students have a PE practical lesson for Period 1, they may come to school in their sport uniform, but they need to get changed into proper school uniform at the end of the lesson. Students are required to get changed in/out of their uniform for all other PE practical lessons.
Uniforms can be purchased at Lowes in Queanbeyan. See the price list or go online to purchase.
If you require assistance with purchasing uniform items, please contact the school on 6298 4333.