Karabar High School

Telephone02 6298 4333


Calculator policy

Scientific calculators are an important tool in the teaching and learning of Mathematics. All NSW Mathematics syllabuses require the use of a scientific calculator and it is essential that students learn about the functionality of their particular calculator. Students need to be able to effectively use their calculator for internal and external assessment tasks including NAPLAN and HSC examinations. Consequently, it is compulsory for every student studying Mathematics to have their own scientific calculator and to bring it to every Mathematics lesson and assessment task.

Suitable calculators

A common scientific calculator is the Casio FX-82AU PLUS II. This calculator is available from the school office for $36.25. The NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) produces a list of calculators that are approved for use in HSC examinations. The list of current approved calculators is available at http://educationstandards.nsw.edu.au/wps/portal/nesa/11-12/hsc/rules-and-processes/approved-calculators.

Calculator apps on mobile phones are not acceptable.

Provision of calculators in assessment tasks

Students are required to provide their own calculator for all assessment tasks, including class tests and examinations. Calculators will not be lent to students who come to an assessment task without a suitable scientific calculator.

If a student's calculator fails during a class test or examination, the supervisor may be able to lend a calculator to the student for the remainder of the class test or examination.